Irena Bauman

Bauman Lyons Architects

I am a practicing architect, urban designer and master planner. I am also a researcher and have held position of Professor of Sustainable Urbanism in the School of Architecture at University of Sheffield, UK.
I am a co-founder of start up for a distributive construction system called MassBespoke.


Location:  Leeds, United Kingdom

Behind The Scenes

Short description:

I lead multidisciplinary teams developing future facing renewal strategies for places which are struggling socially and economically. I work mainly in the north of England in Market Towns and City Neighborhoods engaging existing social and business networks in a co-production process that cuts across mistrust and conflict and helps establish mutual understanding. Renewal strategies are always built on exiting assets and currently I am working with young people (16-26) to develop engagement methods by which they can contribute to the future of their towns. My dream is that this should become the norm for regeneration plans.

View from your window:

I am lucky. I built my house 20 years ago on a derelict piece of brownfield site which is now full of trees, autumn colors, foxes and hedgehogs. At night I sleep with open windows and listen to my owl at night and I wake to morning bird chorus.

What's your contribution?

My expert knowledge. I am successful at bringing cantankerousness communities together and helping them to articulate a common vision. I am also creative and lead through inspiring people.

What brings you here?

There is a great deal of very good practice developing around community led regeneration and there is need to assemble it. I sense that the Empty Square will do this very well and I want to be part of it.

What's the most important?

To share knowledge.


Creative Communities International


Modesto “Flako” Jimenez