
Private company

Giulia is an urban planner, architect and researcher specialising in community-driven development and participatory design. She excels at engaging in various kinds of situations, thanks to her international experiences and chameleonic nature. Empathy and curiosity are fully part of herself, at the same time the winning cards for building a strong network. She defines her professional goal as helping vulnerable communities by co-creating with them more green and inclusive public spaces.


Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Name of contact: Giualia Gualtieri



Behind The Scenes

Short description:

I am an urban planner and designer at Huasipichanga, but I also work as a researcher at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

I truly believe in the power of participation when I approach a challenge coming from an urban context. I enjoy collaborating with experts from other fields, as I believe that approaching an issue only from one perspective cannot bring efficient and sustainable results. Additionally, I always try to include local communities, especially the youngest, in the decision-making process since I think that the knowledge and experience of residents and public space users significantly matter when we want to design solutions in a specific context.
Recently, I dream to expand my profession to more co-designing projects with other-than-human residents, plants and animals for instance. Their presence is extremely important for human well-being and for the future of our plant. It is time to learn how to share and cohabitate with them in urban contexts.

View from your window:
Luckily, I see many trees and a green area from my window. Having constant contact with the outdoor world is very beneficial for my mental health, besides, having the chance to witness the transformation of nature along the year allows me to have at least one smile per day.

What's your contribution?

I contribute to creating and improving our cities in places more liveable, inclusive and playful.

What brings you here?

The opportunity to share my personal work and experience as a professional, partner at Huasipichanga.

What's the most important?

The most important achievement I would like to reach is to give those who have less than me more opportunities to live a better life.

Meet Huasipichanga here

See other participants here


Danish PEN


Scotland’s Towns Partnership