State of Place

Private company

State of Place helps you harness the power of data to more quickly, efficiently, and effectively deliver places people deserve.


Location: Boston (MA), USA


State of Place has helped over 40 global citymakers create more just, thriving communities more effectively, cost-efficiently, and inclusively. Using AI to capture data on 150 street-level built environment features and predictive analytics to deliver an evidence-based recommendation engine, scenario modeling, and forecasting tools, State of Place's software helps citymakers 1) prioritize the use of limited resources to ensure equitable outcomes that maximize communities’ social, health, economic, and environmental value and 2) better communicate, engage, and co-create solutions with and for communities to build trust, facilitate collaboration, and drive the consensus needed to create more equitable, livable, and sustainable places.

Meet State of Place here:


Yang Lian


Atefeh Motamedi