
Member organization

DublinTown is the Business Improvement District (BID) in Dublin city centre. We operate on behalf of our 2,500 member businesses to enhance the Dublin city experience for residents and visitors. Now in our 3rd term, the organization has had its mandate renewed and extended in plebiscite votes in 2007, 2012 and 2017.


Richard Guiney Head Shot 2017.jpg

Location:  Dublin, Ireland
Contact: Richard Guiney, CEO

Behind The Scenes

What is your contribution?

Meeting each other either socially or professionally is central to city life and is likely to be more so in the coming years.  Meeting and engaging with each other is also central to the human experience.  It is impossible to imagine human existence without that face to face contact with our friends, family and work associates.

What brings you here?

All of us engaged in the promotion and development of towns and cities share common experiences.  The more we network and communicate the more we will learn and the better we will be able to serve our towns and their resident populations.  Those of us privileged to work on behalf of our towns and cities have an obligation to engage with peers and to share the collective knowledge regarding town centre management that is currently evolving.  This would be important at any time but at a time of unprecedented challenge and change it is imperative.


What’s the most important?

Engaging with peers and learning from each other.

Meet Dublin Town Here:


Basil Fernando


Derek Bottom